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Why/how to have a journal.

March 10, 2012

Journaling & keeping a diary has always been something I’ve enjoyed doing. It’s a good way to keep track of parts of your memories.  You can’t re-live memories, but you can remember them; so keep track of them somehow. In a few years you’ll be really glad you did, and it’s interesting to see how much you’ve changed. This is really cliche, but if you’re in a bad  mood, writing all the shit down thats bothering you really helps blow off some steam. Diaries are like a place where you can take all your thoughts and execute them onto paper without being judged, since no one will see it. (Except for these few entries of mine..don’t judge too hard!) I keep a sketch diary, basically a journal but also a sketchbook. I’ve been getting requests to post my paintings and such, but recently all I’ve been doing is working in my sketch diary. I love watercolor painting, but what I’m showing you is only about a sample of what I do, whatever though. I’ve made  the words are blurred, but maybe the pictures will give you inspiration on how to start your journal. I prefer journals without lines, (you can get them at any art store) even though there’s nothing more intimidating than opening a book to blank pages. I don’t write in order either, all the used up pages are random-just remember to date everything. The first page is always the basic bio of myself though, so I can keep track of how much I’ve changed. I list stuff like my weight, grade, description, age, etc. From there it’s all you. I make some pages in advance, so if I’m traveling or something they will already be ready to write on. I’ll sometimes go back and finish a sketch or something later on too.  Remember there aren’t any rules either (:

Happy journaling SCK readers!

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